
Pillow Talk: Heart Attack Edition

So even though Mr. Superman is in the middle of a war zone in Afghanistan, we have still been able to have some conversations that I think of as Pillow Talk

This one took place about two weeks ago and I kept forgetting to blog about it. 

He nearly gave me a heart attack and it had nothing to do with all the background noise I have grown accustomed to hearing.

Him: So I need to ask you something and I really need you to be honest about it.
Me: Okay. (My heart is pounding so freaking hard)
Him: Did you ever date a guy named Jesse?


I am furiously racking my brains trying desperately to remember whether or not I ever dated someone named Jesse, casually or not, and under what circumstances he'd run into my husband in Afghanistan and just somehow connect it all together.

Him: So did you?
Me: Um... not that I can think of but there could have been... maybe... or it could technically not be considered dating... or... um. I'm so sorry baby I can't say yes or no with full honesty because I don't know. (I am nearing hyperventilation state by this time, feeling horribly bad and guilty)
Him: Hmmm. You sure?


I am internally freaking out

Me: No babe, I'm not but I really don't think so.
Him: That's too bad.
Me: Why? (Confused now)
Him: Because I have ALWAYS wanted to say that I ended up with Jesse's Girl.
Me: Are you freaking serious right now? Really? You gave me a heart attack and had my mind reeling and feeling so guilty all because of that! Nice.


mountains-to-climb said...

Hahahaha he got you good!!! I liked that!

mountains-to-climb said...

Hahahaha he got you good!!! I liked that!

Angie said...

I'm sure I would've had the same reaction, but maybe with some playful punches in there. Hahahaha. My nerves would've been totally rattled.

Mama Steele said...

He has the most unique sense of humor...and always has! It's good you are writing these things down because you can go back and laugh later too! <3

R said...

Hahaha that's cute. I'd have wanted to kill him too though.

Nicole said...

Haha, that is hilarious! I would have been freaking out to though if my husband had came to me with that conversation!

Mrs. K said...

My husband's brother is Jesse so when J sing's, "I wish that I had Jesse's girl" I make him stop. I don't like it one bit! lol

Nicole said...

Haha your hubby sounds so much like my fiance! That is exactly the type of thing he would do and I would have been freaking out just like you! O those men of ours lol

SLM said...

Hahahahhaa the things they think of when they have to keep their minds occupied!!

Steph said...

Haha... what a stinker!

Miss E said...

hahaha now that is funny... I would have been freaking out a little too lol

Charity said...

Hahahaha, so funny!!


This and the Sgt Hooker story have cracked me up!

J & M Bredsguard said...

hahah that was hilarious!!!!! my heart was pounding for you! ahaha love it

Jessa said...

That's the best!

beka said...

Aww, I love your pillow talk posts.

Mrs. Ma'am said...

BAHAHAHAHA!! This made me laugh out loud literally!

I had a friend that got married. His name was Jesse, and they played that song as they were leaving the altar. It was hilarious!

Ciara said...

ahhh so freaking cute! lucky lady (:

Mama said...

That is really cute. But I would have freaked out too.

Nicole Dianne said...

oh my gosh, I LOVE this. It made me laugh out loud. I love husbands :)

Unknown said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! That's hilarious!