
Why Yes, I am a Twi-hard

I know. Lame. I fell in love with the books, I love Stephenie Meyer (she's a Mormon from AZ too), and even though the first movie was RIDICULOUSLY cheesy, I have seen the second and I am excited for the third. Yes, I am a Twi-hard. Or is it Twi-tard? Oh well, either way, I'm pathetic enough that this gave me chills. Don't hate.

♥ Mrs. S.


Nicole said...

those books were so addicting!! I haven't seen the second movie yet, I was so disappointed with this first one!

JG said...

Hahaha! I remember on the podcasts (yes, I listened to the podcasts back in the day) when they took a poll on what we should call ourselves, and they couldn't believe Twihards was the one that stuck! :) I am really excited about the movie. I love Bryce Dallas Howard and Dakota Fanning!!

Anonymous said...

<3 <3 <3 Bestow my heart. I. Love. Twilight. I love it all.

Adam+Tatum said...

Ok, the more I read your blog the more I love you.......I such a Twilight fan! Even though the movies can be a bit cheesy....I watch them over and over! I love these books!

PS....team Edward all the way....I love a mysterious man!lol!

Mrs. Ma'am said...

I am Team Edward and a totally lover of Twilight, too. No hating going on here :)

Unknown said...

I knew you were brilliant. I just knew it. The movies are nowhere near the books in terms of quality, but for some reason I can't turn down anything that's Twilight. Although, I will admit...when I watch the movies, I still imagine Edward the way he was in MY head. *sigh*