
Not Me!!

Mckmama- Not Me Monday

Yes yes dear ones, it IS Monday again. I can't believe I've waited until after 3 PM to post. Horrible blogger I am. To join in the Not Me fun and make yourself feel better about.... well yourself, click the button and be sure to follow along with MckMama the rest of the time too. She's fabu!

This week I most certainly did not, not work out. I am so unhappy with my weight but I would never ever ever let life get the better of me and just go to bed after work.

I do not love Cream Soda more than anything. It is not like crack to me and I do not threaten Mr. Superman with bodily harm if he drinks one, let alone if he just has a sip after opening one for me. I most definitely did not get super angry and burst into tears after returning home from a crappy Friday night at work, upon hearing that he drank my very last one. I did not go to the room, fume, then go to the kitchen only to see he had been attempting a joke. Not funny.

What did you not do?


Mrs. Ma'am said...

I did NOT cry like a big baby over a random moment in Italy when an Italian lady called me an idiot because I did not know what a "strike" was. Obviouly I did not realize she meant the same kind of strike as we know a strike.

I did NOT gain 5 pounds on our vacation :(

MJ said...

I did NOT break down and have a freak out on Matt's mom about him being out of touch, I did NOT almost run somebody off the road earlier

Roller Coaster said...

I did not head to McDonald's for dinner because I was just too tired to cook. I did not stop my swim workout before I usually do because I wanted to spend a little extra time in the hot tub. I did not drink an extra glass of wine last night after an especially busy weekend. And I most certainly did not stay up way too late the other night trying to catch up on my blog reading!

And tell Mr. Superman that cream soda is not something to joke about!

Steph said...

I bet that soda was gooooooood.

Anonymous said...

I did NOT get frustrated at work yesterday because everyone was being a huge jerk to me. I did NOT procrastinate when it came to cleaning out my closet and I absolutely did NOT get sad because I had to get rid of a lot of my stuff today due to the "clean-out."

S said...

That "Cream Soda" thing is so John and me! LOL!! If he drinks my last soda or eats ALL of the oatmeal in the cupboard, I start threatening lives!

Michelle said...

I most certainly did NOT post an award for you on my blog. ;)

KelseyC said...

I did NOT eat 4 slices of pizza for dinner tonight...nope. Not me.

Natalie said...

i got some cream soda last week and i can't stop drinking it! I forgot how good it was : )
I love when men try to play funny jokes at the COMPLETE wrong time and it does not end up well...well i don't really love it-you know what I mean!! I hope he learned his lesson ; )

ThinkFeminist said...

lmaO!!!! He sure knows how to get you.

Brittney said...

ohh man cream soda is the best and I will admit I'd be threatening my hubby if he drank the last one too! lol :)

rebecca said...

OMG!! I also do NOT NOT like cream soda what so ever. I do NOT eat several cream soda floats a day. OMG. I do NOT do it. I am NOT addicted. It does NOT taste like cotton candy made into sweet nectar of the gods.